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Schwarcz, Dr. Joe

Radar, Hula Hoops and Playful Pigs

Radar, Hula Hoops and Playful Pigs

Regular price $10.20 CAD
Regular price Sale price $10.20 CAD
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In his first collection of short essays, science educator Dr. Joe Schwarcz debunks the myths and serves up the raw facts of modern popular science

Dr. Joe Schwarcz tells it like it is. Whether he’s plumbing the mysteries of chicken soup or tracing the development of polyethylene, Dr. Joe takes a little history, adds a dash of chemistry, and produces a gem of an essay every time. Find out the latest about homeopathy and alternative medicine. Fill up on facts about soybeans, tomatoes, tea, ginseng, hot dogs, and the benefits of eating chalk. Explore the science behind Alice’s strange adventures in Wonderland, Rumpole’s deadly cheese soufflé, and Casanova’s experiments with “Spanish fly.” In 67 short, entertaining, and informative pieces about chemistry in everyday life, you will finally discover the amazing links between radar, hula hoops, and playful pigs!

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